Busy (Starting role… Sites were deployed.) #Azure Role Diagnostics
Busy… Starting Role… Repeat So you deployed a Cloud Service and it’s status is stuck on “Busy (Starting role… Sites were deployed.)” By now you’ve probably checked the SDK assembly versions, checked...
View ArticleReleasing Memory Pressure on Memory Intensive #Azure Roles
Releasing Memory Pressure Traditionally, in .NET applications we adjust the Garbage Collector to operate in server mode by modifying the App.config or Web.config files. However, Worker Roles work...
View ArticleService Logger For Windows Azure Roles Using Table Storage Service
Logging in Windows Azure can be done through Windows Azure Diagnostics. This solution collects a ton of detailed data that can be hard to parse through. I recently needed a close to real-time trace of...
View ArticleDesigning Cloud Services – Consider Bulkiness & Chattiness
Bulky versus chatty applications is a topic that comes up a lot when we design applications on the cloud and believe me it’s not a random topic! Concepts When talk about bulky versus chatty, we’re...
View ArticleWhy is The New Windows Azure Cache Service Important?
What is it? Windows Azure Cache is a distributed, in-memory, scalable solution that can be used to build highly scalable and responsive applications by providing super-fast access to data. A cache...
View ArticlePreventing Jobs From Running Simultaneously on Multiple Role Instances
There are times where we need to schedule maintenance jobs to maintain our Windows Azure Cloud Services. Usually, it requires us to design our systems with an extra Role in order to host these jobs....
View ArticleLift and Shift of a Console Appication to Microsoft #Azure
Moving to Microsoft Azure Every time I dig a little deeper into Azure, I’m amazed at how much there is to know. Having done a few projects with Cloud Services in the past, I thought it would be...
View ArticleScaling #Azure Cloud Services Up and Down Like Clockwork
Scaling Azure Cloud Services When we build applications on the cloud, we usually favor scaling-out over scaling-up. Consequently, scaling in and out is supported out of the box on Microsoft Azure. On...
View ArticleDeploying a Cloud Services to A Virtual Network (VNet) on #Azure
Deploying a Cloud Service to a VNet In a recent post about Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks, I made the recommendation that Cloud Services should be deployed to Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks. The...
View ArticleConfiguring Internal Endpoints on #Azure Cloud Services
Configuring Internal Endpoints There are many scenarios where Internal Endpoints make sense. Imagine a web application that needs to communicate with a middle tier. The communication between both Cloud...
View ArticleOpening Windows Firewall Ports on #Azure Cloud Services
Opening Ports on Cloud Services There are scenarios that warrants us to open ports of the Windows Firewall. Imagine an application that coordinates work across many compute nodes. The workload...
View ArticleLift and Shift of a Windows Service to Microsoft #Azure
Having written about lifting and shifting a Console Application, I decided to mirror the scenario and describe how a similar method can be used to lift and shift a Windows Service to Microsoft Azure....
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